i think, for every relationship there are different stages which applies to all..
just ytd that i thought only mine was going through tremendous emotions, a series of hardships and all.
and coincidentally, i heard on the fm.
girl A texted in the radio station to seek help.
she said, ' i dated my bf for 5 years, but for the last 2 and 1/2 years he had someone else with him. he cheated on me.
all the replies that others gave was related to love and trust.
'if you love him, it's not easy to give up 5 yrs of relationship.'
'if so he said he knows his mistakes and is coming back for you, begging for a second chance.. you should give him a second chance.'
'if you can't trust him anymore, you should brace up and walk away'
'if he loved you, he wouldn't cheat'
sounds familar?
i think all guys do the same, because we're all growing up.. we make mistakes.
will you be as mad as a hornet? or down in the dumps?
it's water over the dam thus we can only forgive and forget in order to move on.
to me, personally i feel that it's tough to forget or even forgive.
just when you thought you shaked those thoughts off, it flashes at the back of your mind all over again.
but the most important thing is that both parties agree to change for the better just for this love.
cause for every failed relationship, the same problem will occur even if you date someone else. the same stages to go through when you thought it will not be the same cause you're dating someone else.
it's always a war between the head and the heart.
i guess most of the times, heart wins.
p.s: Honesty is the best policy.