26 May, 2010 5/26/2010 04:00:00 PM
i love my new boyfriend.

25 May, 2010 5/25/2010 04:24:00 PM

Ending one photo with the birthday girl, my bff.
i hate my hair!
Went sunset for the celebration of my bff, brought baby along. The so familiar place yet not. This girl is really fortunate la, the photos speaks. i wonder how would my bday be. i reckon it's gonna be screwed. hmm. okay, gotta prepare for work again:( ciao!
ask me questions! http://www.formspring.me/chanelcharlotte
14 May, 2010 5/14/2010 02:04:00 PM

by Alexander Mcqueen
p.s: just another heartbreaker, really had me going.
12 May, 2010 5/12/2010 11:29:00 AM

<3. meeting her for burger shack in 2 hrs:)

Grace, fieldtrip 2 wks back.

this was taken like close to a year back. miss those gatherings we used to have.
and i was taken back by the length of my hair then! kinda regretted perming again the other time as i wanted to revive those curls i've lost over time. am so hesitant about getting straight hair again. the hair in the picture is exactly what i feel like having now:(
okay, am going to prepare and head out to pamper myself with mani and pedi followed by burger shack! ciao.
07 May, 2010 5/07/2010 03:38:00 PM

scheming world, dreadful faces.
p.s: baby snipped my hair off!