i hate peanuts but.. currently, this is one exception:D

gailgail's 18th on 18th at decoders cafe:)
christmas carols and hk cafe with cyn and mel. and thanks to cyn for the free ticket!
i went town again the following day, 2012 and hk cafe with baby!
side track, am planning a bkk trip with baby!
anyw, goodbye curls. but i'm still indecisive bout snipping my hair off:(
maybe something like this? but i'll miss my curly curly QQ hair!

Cuz I know this flame isn't dying.
p.s: baby has an affair with his bed and he spends quality time with it than with me:(
i can't believe that i'm still playing bejewel at this hour, trying to break that high score of mine. and i can't make up my mind to hit the sacks now or to wait for baby to wake up in like 2 hours time? my eyes are closing, i'm so going to hibernate tomorrow! hehehehe