30 June, 2009 6/30/2009 11:55:00 PM
Week 3, day 3
you are my sunshine, my only sunshine.
miss W.
29 June, 2009 6/29/2009 10:34:00 PM
Week 3, day 2
you're so cute when you're asleep.
i'm so drawn to you.
28 June, 2009 6/28/2009 10:40:00 PM
Week 3, day 1
and off you go.
it'll be a long week for us:(
25 June, 2009 6/25/2009 11:46:00 PM
DAY 14
we're just one day closer, i seriously can't wait to see you.
i smell like a cookie now, ciao.
p.s: i'm turning 18 soon!
24 June, 2009 6/24/2009 10:31:00 PM
DAY 13
Why does tonight, have to end?
Why don't we hit restart,
And pause it at our favorite parts.
We'll skip the goodbyes.
If i had it my way,
I'd turn the car around and runaway,
Just you and i.
p.s: he knows i'm craving for nihon mura, and promised that he'll bring me there when he book out:) i'm keeping my fingers crossed.
23 June, 2009 6/23/2009 09:25:00 PM
DAY 12
at often times those words get tangled up in lines.
i wished you'll surprise me on..
i wished.. i wished..
i'll go on wishing, because i never saw it coming.
6/23/2009 06:07:00 PM
if only...
if only you'll..
if only..
if only...
if only..
so many ifs, they will not come true anyway.
it's just some random thought in my head..
22 June, 2009 6/22/2009 11:17:00 PM
DAY 11
guess we needa do some fine tuning, baby.
p.s: i'd like to have some roses, and i wanna go to jewel box:(
21 June, 2009 6/21/2009 09:26:00 PM
DAY 10.
you just...
but i'll just have get a grip on myself, keep a stiff upper lip.
p.s: 100TH
20 June, 2009 6/20/2009 11:12:00 PM
Day 9
i stand four-square behind you baby.
fine words butter no parsnips, but it seems that giving you words of encouragement is the only words i can give you.
love is not about flowery speech, i love you for who you are.
we will stand the test of time.
gonna Catch some z's..
p.s: i feel as full as a tick now, i'll update on my advance bday celebration and cass's bday celebration soon!:D
6/20/2009 12:00:00 AM

i know i haven't been spending much time with you, but you know i'll always be here just like how i did for the past few years. LOVE
19 June, 2009 6/19/2009 10:13:00 PM
baby, i hope you put your best foot forward in camp.
I'd like to do something for you, but whatever I do seems like a drop in the bucket.
Rome was not built in one day, same goes for our love.
I am in awe of you.
i'm not a girl, not yet a woman.
bout to turn 18 next week, but i...
i wanna paint the town red.
18 June, 2009 6/18/2009 10:52:00 PM
i'm so in love with you and it just keeps getting better.
p.s: workload piling up, time is running out.
17 June, 2009 6/17/2009 10:54:00 PM
Day 6
tongue tied and helpless.
feels like iceland here with frosty spectacles lens and i can't see it clear.
disheartening thoughts, i.. need the S on my chest.
lack of thought..
16 June, 2009 6/16/2009 10:14:00 PM
too much in mind to share, too little time to convey.
too careful in words, too particular about time.
resulting conversations to run dry, the call ends with a tear.
it's you and me, nono. with army & school.
15 June, 2009 6/15/2009 11:00:00 PM
cookies and kinder surprise brought us close apart.
i wish they have the power to do it again.
this time round, i wish they can send me to your arms.
14 June, 2009 6/14/2009 09:26:00 PM
“when two hearts are meant to be, no matter how long it takes, no matter how far they go, no matter how tough it seems. Fate will bring them together, to share a life forever.”
Pictures of you, pictures of me. Remind us all of what we used to be.
13 June, 2009 6/13/2009 10:32:00 PM
Day 2
flipping through our photos and chat logs the whole day,
had nothing in mind except for him.
now that the lights are out, i'll be waiting till dawn; hoping that he'll text me again.
i always thought that having to burn my nights to meet him every weds thurs fri sat was tedious. but i was so wrong, i finally realised that i needed him so much that i can't even leave him for a few seconds. i'd forsake my sleeping hours just to be with him despite having to attend school the following day.
much complains here and there, i'm always unsatisfied with how things were.
up till this point, i then realised that i was a fool, not being able to see how great my boyfriend is and all that he's done for me.
my hearts aches to see you suffer.
BABY, i'll be a better girl of yours.
12 June, 2009 6/12/2009 11:05:00 PM
Day 1

sent baby off to camp this morn, i was holding back my tears to part with him. and he has already hit the sacks after a short conversation of less than 5 mins and a couple of messages, we've never communicate this little before. moreover he'll be confined for 2 whole weeks, which is like so long to us. i feel so... and i realised i couldn't ring anyone up to share because everyone thinks that i've neglected them 'cause of my baby. but the truth is, would you not spend the last 2 weeks with your bf everyday but forsake him together with all his worries and concern he has and will face in the upcoming two years? he's gonna part with everyone and adapt to a new lifestyle, while i'm just gonna part with him for the time being. making a comparision, my bad for neglecting my friends but i was doing my part as a girlfriend i knew i have to, i love him more than anyone can see or feel. everything totally sucked, i don't feel good at all. i shall discontinue to stop tears from falling.
baby, it's just the first day. and it's not even 24 hours, yet i miss you a lot. i'll hold my tears back and wait for you. don't fear because i will be here, as always.
5 in the morn now, i'm still up because i fear you'll need me to be around.
08 June, 2009 6/08/2009 12:12:00 PM
“The best mirror is an old friend.”
I miss laughing out loud. I miss the long hour conversations. I miss those bitching sessions. I miss doing so many things, things we usually do. I miss you. I miss us.
& you, just don't understand.
p.s: i need more than just 86,400 seconds a day.
07 June, 2009 6/07/2009 10:31:00 PM
A guy's good point
Weilun: Love you:)
05 June, 2009 6/05/2009 01:09:00 AM
Before words like life, beauty, and love had meaning,
you gave them to me, like gifts from a king.
Before i knew what love was, i gave it to you in return.
Before time carved mountains out of the pit of the earth and turned glaciers
into seas and seas into deserts, You shared with me a timeless, infinite love.
Long after the sun is a burnt out symbol of a past life and the oceans are a
sip of water in the universe, i will still love you." Our time is short
This is our fate, I'm yours "
04 June, 2009 6/04/2009 11:46:00 AM

genting with baby.
sucha darling, so dear to me.
i shall keep him in my 'lil pocket.
oh W, my baby.
p.s: you're nothing, but a mockery.
03 June, 2009 6/03/2009 01:00:00 PM