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30 December, 2008 12/30/2008 10:12:00 PM

oh my. laptop is dying. it's hanging here with it's last breath and i fear that it'll die on me any moment. pls baby, don't leave me!! i'll get your worm virus cured. so, i'm gonna keep it untouch till i get back to school:(

keeping my fingers crossed, for the stored data will not be removed.

27 December, 2008 12/27/2008 02:16:00 AM

huhuuuuuuu. before i lose all my readers, i shall do a lil bit of blogging.
just to let you know, i'm currently doing up a post for my recent happenings. yes, including x'mas. so, don't hesitate to come back for my juicy updates okey! :):)

Road to eternal bliss.
22 December, 2008 12/22/2008 03:49:00 AM

when half the world's soundly asleep, i have a strong urge to share my thoughts.
on the 25th May'08 this year. i'm glad, i was part of the wedding:)
i witnessed, Happiness.
wedded bliss.
a paradize.

Oh, womanizer oh.
19 December, 2008 12/19/2008 04:00:00 AM

zoukout wasn't as great as expected:(

17TH Dec'08
i marked today as one of the best day in life, 'cause it's my 1st year in SSG. it's more than words to define.
Chilled out with S the other day. had a couple of drinks, oh; i fell for the taste of Louis XIII and in fact. i love it more than gordon blue:):)
So lately, been wondering. i've lost the words to continue my post....


Asshole oh Asshole. chanel lim says: where are you?
upon this point, i'm speechless.

i love to watch young and dangerous:D
& i love the lead in this show. heheheh
okey, i'm off to bed.

everyday, seven takes of the same old scene
18 December, 2008 12/18/2008 03:49:00 AM

sleepless nights, i can't believe that i'm still up at this unearthly hour. staring into the screen, with countless thoughts in my head. i ought to reflect.

i'll blog when i get hme ltr on. rock with me:)

'cause i see sunset in your eyes.
15 December, 2008 12/15/2008 02:07:00 AM

Until you lose the one you wanted,
and everything you had got destroyed.
Your name, lingering on my mind.
i have a huge question mark in my head now,
what sustains the love within?
There is no remedy for love but to love more.

Time has a habit of slipping away.
12 December, 2008 12/12/2008 12:36:00 AM

i'm so proud of your achievements. yet..
there's still this boundary which we can never cross.
feels like infinite miles away,
i miss you.

vacant for a whole week here, miss me? awww. i'm getting a lil busier than before, thus i'm going to neglect my baby blog. so whatsup lately? i've been busy helping out at ssg these few weeks. flipping through, yes. it's almost a whole splendid year with 'em.

as for school, i'm freed! my 3 weeks holiday begins nw. hohooo. but i have things on, just like any typical days. and xmas is just around the corner, there's too many programs lining up. guess i have to shelve some plans aside. but there's one thing i'll not wanna miss. ZOUKOUT! and theres this pre-zoukout party at zouk tonight. i'm so gonna enjoy myself. heheheh:)

i'm so pissed. irrit-ants. sounds mean, i know. and seriously please be reminded that i'm not an agnony aunt. if these were to go on, i'll be in agnony. ROAR! zip it, zip it. i dread it effing much. kindly leave me alone. thank you.
and i realized i'll prefer to be alone. so that i can catch my own pace, i can leave as i want, according to my preference. i never liked to announce my whereabouts & i never felt that there was a need to be tied down. feels pretty much like a burden to me:(

& before i forget, i had a cheap shot from a bitch.

in the lift.
girl (tells friend): "eh. you got smell anot? very smelly leh!" (repeated N times about this)
girl: "eeee. smells like MAMA LEMON LEH"
friend keeps mum.
obviously she's talking bout me and i was staring at her.
as she continues, from level 6 till basement.
out of lift.
girl (walks out) : tells boyfriend. " eh you know hor, just now in the lift, very smelly leh. i smell MAMA LEMON "
boyfriend: " don't anyhow say la. maybe it's the perfume of others "
girl: continues whining all the way out of school.

don't you think it's a bit much? ignorant kid mistook annasui perfume as dish washer. what a joke yeah. at that moment, i was at daggers drawn. but after some thoughts, why should i be angry with someone whom can't even differentiate perfume and dish washer? maybe because we're like chalk and cheese:)
just to let you know, you can jolly well shout into my ears. i'll prefer criticism than sarcasm.

side track! i'm so in love with ekin cheung. off to catch young and dangerous, yes again, for the 9524763362682 time :):)

BFF post, processing in progress.
i have a bareface liar bestfriend.

Mercy, i'm on my knees.
04 December, 2008 12/04/2008 01:03:00 AM

it seems that i can't get a post right. there's so much that i can't jot down, all my heart felt thoughts. oh! it's been almost a year i'm with ssg. vivid memories running through my head, thou it doesn't feels pretty much the same. but life is all about twists and turns isn't it? oh gosh, talking bout this. i'm missing 'em effing much. nvm bout that. i'll be attending the official grand opening in feb, this makes me pretty excited:)

my life's a bore, feels like the same everyday and things often went belly up. i needa speed like a bullet train in order to get to my destination & i've lost count of how many times i've fallen ill this year, what a rare scene. so much to manage, so much to take care of. indeed, i'm not the only one leading this kind of hustle bustle city life; but it's a lil too much for me. i've neglected much and also given up much for it. missed my girlfriends, miss spending quality time at home & i have to forsake events because school. awwww. i'm pretty hesitant to take up events lately, there's so much i needa sacrifice in order to get them done. i have to plan my schedule every nw and then.. in addition, this is the peak season. with my poor time management, i'm getting nowhere. i've just turned down 2 events this evening! but i know i did it right. what's ahead of me is my studies and not my job. & i'm always proud to tell others than i have a couple of bestfriend. apparently, we're drifting and it pains me to see myself moving from the first to the last. i may have a fury temper but i cross my heart, i did the best for each and every, bend over backwards and even gave a baker's dozen. baybeh. it's not a bolt from the blue, i expected things long ago. it takes 2 hands to clap, i'll have to admit that i'm at fault too. thou i'm upset, i'll still get over it.
okay, i'm done blowing off my steam. i'm perfectly fine now:)
p.s: i'm not out for sympathy.

i think i should let things go, because i know. yes, i really know.

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. i jus wanna scream.

be back for my BFF post okay!

so full of the superficial
01 December, 2008 12/01/2008 10:17:00 PM

was so young when i had bangs in perth.