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Ride The Lightning.
28 November, 2008 11/28/2008 12:04:00 AM

pew! after a hard day at work, i'm finally resting at hme munching on my butter sugar roll and gulping pearl milk tea. gaahhh! imma breadpig.

awww. attempted the south ridges to celebrate rin and ley's belated birthdays ytd.
the place was in total darkness by the time we got there. oh, and i wenta dine at hort part last week too. first time there and i fell for the fine dining. cuisine and wine were all to my liking.

st james was total fun. but i always disliked it for it's dam frigging packed.
and so i left shortly and to lepak elsewhere.

seriously. there's a couple of things getting of my nerves.
i'm feeling hell irritated lately. too much for me to take.
i dread it when my phone rings because i can't get any peace at all.
i dread it when the pot's calling the kettle black.
and i ponder why people can't appreciate what's ahead of them and often thinks that they are pathetic. awwwww.
ohohoh. when can people stop that.
i'm not gonna go into details otherwise i'll really sound like a fucking bitch here.
for every step i've taken back, it's a step you attempt to climb over me.
wella, i'm going to get engross with RO to ease my anger. hope it doesn't DC that often anymre.
and i have the urge to post my cute childhood photos!
more photos to come, much mre to update... so stay tuned:D
lastly RAYMOND LAM'S COMING TO SG!!! i'm so not gonna miss it.

do you still keep my photo in your mobile?

like a star.
26 November, 2008 11/26/2008 12:12:00 AM

i want to have a firm grasp of that smiley balloon.

"You used to talk to me like
I was the only one around.
You used to lean on me like
The only other choice was falling down.
You used to walk with me like
We had nowhere we needed to go,
Nice and slow, to no place in particular.
I used to reach for you when
I got lost along the way.
I used to listen.
You always had just the right thing to say.
I used to follow you.
Never really cared where we would go,
Fast or slow, to anywhere at all."

& i miss bitch...

if you're determined to leave, i will not stand in your way.
23 November, 2008 11/23/2008 02:25:00 AM

i just don't love you no more
"I can't figure out the reason why
lately you've been acting so cold
If there's a problem we should work it out
So why you giving me the cold shoulder now
Like you don't even wanna talk to me boy
Ok I know I was late again
But why are you making this thing drag on so long
I'm sick and tired of this silly game
i guess this time it really is goodbye"

i have so much in mind now. these aren't what i ever wanted. its wearing me out. i'm no longer the samaritan you guys used to know. i wished i was, but my bad. i ain't. sounds pretty selfish uh. okay la, i'm nw a bitch, yaknow. i shall get this post done when i'm awake. goodnight.

all i've ever asked for.
22 November, 2008 11/22/2008 01:27:00 AM

i feel so strangled with everything bottled up inside.

16 November, 2008 11/16/2008 09:22:00 PM

taken @ st. james.
i hope i'm not too late here.
yeah, and we dined out on mon night at Kuishin Bo:)
i'm so elate upon seeing everyone there.
thou it isn't a great scott, but we still got on like a house on fire as usual.
& we shot the breeze, laughter filled the whole night.
jus like those salad days. same old, same old.
felt as thou i was in seventh heaven.

kbox with cyn on sun, last sun i meant. i guess i'm pretty late updating here. but it's better to be late than nvr. sang our lungs out, had a fabulous time there with her:)

well, i guess i've forgotten all that i've wanted to talk about it. skipping school is as addictive as smoking. attended school only 3 times last week and twice i left halfway. oh; call me a queen. and this week, it isn't any better:(
and i woke up on fri, with a terrible flu and a slit in my throat. these gave me a valid reason to skip sch again:)

had my sat spent with cupcake & friends. but we failed to catch rec. i didn't expect that we're defeated by a nc 16 movie when all of us actually long got over it. nvm bout that. so, lepak all the way and got hme ard 4 in the morn.

seriously, i dislike copy cats whom goes Meow Meow Meow~~
maybe it's me whom have changed and sometimes i really hate to do what i'm doing.
but hold on for a second, haven't i tolerated you enough?
do you have jam on your innocent face nw? oh; i guess you don't.
i wished i had bionic eyes, in order to see that you have a Jekyll and Hyde personality.
Never darken my door again, Tschüs.

ohohoh, i dread replying calls and texts. i'm so gonna ignore my cute phone for some time:D

i feel so drained.
currently craving for oreo! mcflurry, oreo cheesecake plssssssssss:(
see you anon.

babe is just a pig, a pig.
11/16/2008 05:15:00 AM

awww. i'm still up at this unearthly hour in a clear state of mind jus like the sky. i wanted very much to blog, i really really wanted to. but after editing for 974274295 times, i'm still nt satisfied. & i know, this is where i can and shld say whatever that comes to my mind in addition those edits wouldn't make me real. but, the fence is building up. i fear others to see my flaws, i fear that others might see me through. nvm, i shall do a proper post tmr with juicy contents, trust me. yes tmr! say yay:)

anyw, i jus got hmeeeeeeeeee. yawnxzxzxxzx. i'm gonna pop some pills and catch some zzzzz nw. stay tune rockers.


xm: blackie! add me in frenster!
Friendster is down, dumb. hahahaha:)

CYN: in process so long.
tmr, i promise:)

kinhwa: Link up :D
okay okay! :):)

Yining: i misss yooooou, come to schoool please!
Yining: Chanel ! I MISS YOU! (:
i miss you too! see ya on mon:)

desmond: liar liar pants on fire !! i thought you blogging in process!? still dont have !!
desmond: of cos im the first.. im your loyal fan leis ! i come and read everyday one . HAHAHA
oppps. i adopted your definition of soon. hahhaha. okay, i shall blog when i wake up, loyal fan. lol:)

June and Kenneth: wtf is waimeng doing here.yuk!
June and Kenneth: We are getting married.
invitation pls! and congratulations:D

waimeng: hello!nice blog!
wtf. i knw it's june and kenneth. i knw hw to track ip okay. hahahahha!

weiqian: hey there, how have you been? havent been in contact with you in soo long! (: take care dear.
yeah darling, it's been soooooooooo long. i'm fine! you?? take care:)

Jiaqi: okay , maybe not going , jiayi loh . ];
Jiaqi: okay sure . [; we're going campus tomorrow at mediacorp , wanna come ? ;D and i love your blogskin ! :D
oh. thanks:)

rin: haha :) nice book u're reading uh. but RA LOL ~~~
serious? i'm nt done with the book yet, but i heard it's really nice. tattoos are so pretty:D

YONA: Your blogsong very nice!
hahahha. thanks:D

asyraf: eh the yakuza book nnice know!haha
i'm only halfway through:( meet up soon okay!:D

hayley: haha you're reading yakuza now! =D
yeah, i'm pretty slow:(

sophie: haha. hows yakuza moon doing?
in good condition still. hahahah. i'm halfway done. shall return you asap, thanks feifei!

jixiang-xuan: LOL u got grow tall ar lol power la haha anyway i busy and not enff sleep lol send me ur this blog song
i gt grow tall lor. taller and taller! hhahhaha. when can meet?

WendyCupcake: Good to know that you're elate! Hehe!:D
yes yes. i'm happier to see you back in sch!:D:D

time check, 0514. goodbye....

Ding Ding Ding
12 November, 2008 11/12/2008 11:03:00 PM

blogging in process. please hold on for one moment. thank you:)

What about now?
08 November, 2008 11/08/2008 01:23:00 AM

i thought i'll have an early night. but, the past jus gushed up like a tornado. it got me spinning, spinning, spinning. all i have now, is raymond lam's song: "inadequate love" putting me to slp tonight.

and the chorus keeps my head going.
"let go, let everything go"

A day late and a dollar short.
05 November, 2008 11/05/2008 02:46:00 PM

"I just want us both to smile
Cause we’re the same
And I know that will never change
Look, I bought your favorite ice cream
I don’t want to see it melt away
If you walk out now
I don’t know if we could be the same"

here i am, lazing on my bed reading yakuza moon. since when i started to have passion in books? i'm known to be a TV addict! oh well, i have no idea but reading has become a habit of mine, these days. what could be better than relaxing, reading a book of your choice at your free time? and it's so stormy. raining cats and dogs outside, despite my head spinning; it did not stop me from wanting to get out of my house to catchup with you. anyw i'm contented with how things are, once in a blue blue moon... at least i'm still in your thoughts. i'd like to be your best friend, for an everlasting friendship:)

decided to skip school since i have a hitch in your giddy-up, and so what? even if i'm in school, i'll probably leave halfway thru and have to fight the stormy weather and get my ass home. i'm waiting, still waiting....

cha says, she's elate tdy:D
and i miss wendycupcake. get well soon baby!

that man whom used to be in green, in my dreams
02 November, 2008 11/02/2008 11:45:00 PM

Mr R drew this. after he heard all my rants, he knew i love roses and he came up with this. there's only one word for this. sweet.

today marks the end of my dear holidays.
& i haven't been feeding this blog for donkey years.
it isn't that i have no words to share, no pictures to blog.
but i'm really tired of squeezing my brain juice just for a post.
i'd rather keep things to myself than to announce to the whole world.
i'm not out for sympathy, not out to make others envy.
i jus wanna be the writer of my own world, at my own pace.

and there's this conversation on between cyn and me the other day.
hey, it's interesting okay. comes along with cute drawings too!
title: how people react towards breakup.
see that, love causes a person to bleed eh. then you'll need plasters and bandages.
credit goes to, supplier cynthia leong.
here it goes.

[a=1][c=46][b]cyn; ҳҲҳ ––•[/b][/c][/a][c=46] 蜜糖小姐+情树先生[/c: how funny girls react towards breakup ehh?
[a=1][c=46][b]cyn; ҳҲҳ ––•[/b][/c][/a][c=46] 蜜糖小姐+情树先生[/c: if next time i breakup, i shall burn my hair. ROFL!!
❤ Chanel Charlotte: shave la. hahahah
❤ Chanel Charlotte: thn draw eyeliner and cry. emooooooooooo, smudge
[a=1][c=46][b]cyn; ҳҲҳ ––•[/b][/c][/a][c=46] 蜜糖小姐+情树先生[/c: ouch. then smudge all the way down, paint nails black lik charcoal; fringe long like paul twohill
❤ Chanel Charlotte: and then put plaster on face.
[a=1][c=46][b]cyn; ҳҲҳ ––•[/b][/c][/a][c=46] 蜜糖小姐+情树先生[/c:put bandage nicer
❤ Chanel Charlotte: hahahha thn write. love hurt on the forehead bandage
[a=1][c=46][b]cyn; ҳҲҳ ––•[/b][/c][/a][c=46] 蜜糖小姐+情树先生[/c:i think we can make big bucks doing this kinda thing, dont ya think so? LOL
❤ Chanel Charlotte: we shld go and draw up those things we mentioned above, hahhaha. of cos. 2nd billgate man
[a=1][c=46][b]cyn; ҳҲҳ ––•[/b][/c][/a][c=46] 蜜糖小姐+情树先生[/c: omg. rich sia. emo plaster and emo bandage. sure popular for 10000000000years

and tadah! our end product.

not out to mock others. but we've both been through these kind of things, we know it.
the above para, is jus for entertainment; just for laugh.

this isn't a fruitful holiday.
definitely not making the best out of it.
well, it' over. all said and done.
what's important is to finish up the last 9 wks in sch, that's it.

a lil update bout my whereabouts.
went boating with classmates last sunday, and i totally enjoyed the symphony of the high sea.
then ran to malacca to get away from the hustle bustle life i'm leading.
for the whole week,
all i've done was working, towning, clubbing, pubbing, (halloween had never been that great before!) and last but not least
i'm so proud that i finished moonlight resonance(40 epi) within 3 nights:)
that's bout all.
and on the side track, i'm gonna miss wendy darling for 2 weeks.
awww, i wonder how tough these 2 weeks will get.
get well soon baby. i shall steal all the goodies that mika bought back for you! heheheh.

burberry, here i come!!

and tags replied.

rin: hello xuan :D
hellooo to rin:D

Jiaqi: girl , are you going to prom night this year ? haha
maybe. are you going?

kent: kent is here to disturb u!!=)
kent: u love to take pictures eh. take me la.
yes ooi? whr have you been man.
i will snap tons of pictures of you the next time we meet:D

desmond: ohno.. where hae you been!? lol
desmond: ohno.. wendy is a bad influence ladeh. HEHEHE
desmond: be careful next time la. lol! nvm treat it as doing good deeds. HAHAA
i'm back alr!
hahhaha wendy is love.
yeah. same goes to your lost 10 bucks too. we both did a good deed:D

YONA: (:
YONA: Ad I owe you, $1.80.
YONA: June loves her what. Lol. I miss you a bit only Chanel. A bit.
miss me abit only? i shall see you in sch tmr! ignore june. hahaha what $1.80?

yining: june spam sia, haha.
ya la. he bully me. hahhahah

june: bye
june: hihi
june: hoho
june: haha
june: hehe
june: muack
june: hello
june: yo
junipero, you're so lame. hahahha

Xiang: lol u wear veyr mature sia lol i think i go out with u i become xiaodidi ar
xiang: lol u go back tanglin to tell me de no fun ar
nvm la. you'll always be my brother:D no fun @ tanglin. i'll go back, next teachers' day. hahahha

WendyCupcake: But aww, I did not teach you how to scold people yao guai and run away. Haha!
WendyCupcake: And no cause you're not gonna live without me! Yeah :]
WendyCupcake: Hey sole bread winner. Nothing's sweeter than you! Know(: (: (:
WendyCupcake: Sole bread winner
yao guai is cute, and i needa run away! i won't be able to live without you, so stay by sole bread winner okay, okay! miss you always:)

Jen: hellooo!! :D visiting!!
helloooo! thanks for visiting:D

i dreamt of you, dancing on the beautiful piece of grassy land, blue blue sky with a cold breeze in addition, a babe; woman of your type right in front of me.
that man whom used to be in green.