08 June, 2011 6/08/2011 01:35:00 AM
13 April, 2011 4/13/2011 11:24:00 AM
25 March, 2011 3/25/2011 12:15:00 PM
03 January, 2011 1/03/2011 12:22:00 PM
everyone seems to agree that you'd rather have bad times with the right one than good times with the wrong one. but in the first place, how do you determine who's the right one? is he/she the right one for you? well, i don't think anyone can assure this.
so what makes you feel that the person is the right one?
to have common interest?
to feel lost without the person?
to miss the person when he/she is not with you?
to feel comfortable with the person?
how many bad times can you endure with the right person?
how many good times do you need to get melted by that wrong person?
see, the answer is very obvious.
these are just criterias that you set when looking for a partner. there's so many people that can actually be your "right" one if this is the case.
if you think that he/she's your right one, fight for it? why make your life and life of others miserable loving he/she whom will not love you and causing problem to others' relationship? and deep down you know, it's not impossible to move on, it's just because he/she was the last one that you felt "right" with thus you stopped giving chance to yourself and others. but once you fall in love again, you'll surely think back and say "fuck, i was so dumb" right?
p.s: please move on, live today like there's no tmr.
16 December, 2010 12/16/2010 02:23:00 PM

but we lost it.
23 November, 2010 11/23/2010 03:05:00 PM

we made it a point to catch a movie once a month, on our special day.
he's not someone whom'll camwhore with me,
not someone whom'll plan all the activities before bringing me out.
i guess i've adapted to everything, and also to look at things from a different view.